Coding with Jesse

Private JavaScript Variables

August 26th, 2007

I find myself needing to generate unique IDs in JavaScript a lot lately. Mostly this happens when I'm creating a lot of elements dynamically and I need to assign some unique ID to them so that I can find them later. And I need to do this because I've realised that storing pointers to elements in JavaScript uses a LOT more memory than just storing the ID of an element and finding it later with getElementById().

So anyway, what's a good way of generating unique IDs?

A simple way is to just keep a counter going and increment it every time you access it, like this:

var guid_counter = 0;

for (var i=0;i < 100;i++) {
    // create a new <div> element
    var div = document.createElement('div');

    // assign a unique ID and increment counter = 'div_' + (guid_counter++);

    // append to the page

With this you'll end up with 100 <div>s with IDs from "div_0" to "div_99". But our guid_counter is just sitting out there in the open! Someone could come along (like us making a typo) and write guid_counter = 0 or guid_counter-- and mess everything up! We could end up with 2 elements with the same ID!

We can improve on this by using a private variable. Private variables give us more control over global variables like our guid_counter, because we can choose when and how they are accessed and updated. Let's create a function which contains our guid counter as a private variable:

// 'guid' is assigned to the return value of this outer function
var guid = (function() {
    // same guid counter, but we keep it hidden inside here
    var guid_counter = 0;

    // return a function that has access to guid_counter
    return function() {
        // whenever guid() is called, return and increment the counter
        return guid_counter++;

})(); // note the () - this executes the outer function right now!

If this is the first time you're seeing this syntax (or the hundredth) it can be a bit confusing. Really, we're doing the same thing as this:

function generate_guid_function() {
    // nothing outside of generate_guid_function() can access this
    var guid_counter = 0;

    // return a function that has access to guid_counter
    return function() {
        // return and increment the counter
        return guid_counter++;

// 'guid' is assigned to return value of generate_guid_function()
var guid = generate_guid_function();

The magic of all this is in JavaScript Closures. The inner function has access to guid_counter because of where it's defined, but our code outside has no way to change or access guid_counter. This is exactly like private instance variables in Java and other languages.

Now, we can safely rely on our guid() function to generate unique IDs without worrying about our guid_counter being touched:

for (var i=0;i < 100;i++) {
    // create a new <div> element
    var div = document.createElement('div');

    // assign a unique ID from our new guid() function = 'div_' + guid();

    // append to the page

addDOMLoadEvent Revisited

August 14th, 2007

I've gone back and reworked addDOMLoadEvent. I got rid of the global variables and reduced the size down to 563 bytes!

For the new script and the demo pages, check out addDOMLoadEvent.

Update [Aug. 19, 2007]: Now the script preserves any existing window.onload function, and also executes functions instantly when called after the page has already loaded. But now the compressed version is a hefty 617 bytes.