Coding with Jesse

Blog Tipping

Joe at the Working at Home on the Internet blog just blog-tipped me, so I thought I'd pass on the Link Love. The idea of Blog Tipping is that on the first of the month, you pick three blogs you read and offer 3 compliments and 1 tip. So here goes.


  1. I love that you've gone back to drawing cartoons full force. It's great to see people doing what they love.
  2. Your Microbrand concept is an inspiration to people everywhere who are trying to understand and find their place in this Internet-based economy.
  3. I'm really impressed with your work for Stormhoek. Even though you're alone on the frontier of marketing you're doing a great job.

tip: Perhaps it's a result of your busy schedule, but I'd like to see more longer posts with more of your thoughts and less links now and then.

Friendly Bit

  1. While no other web dev blogs seem to be discussing real, tangible web development concepts, yours just keeps on sticking to the point. That's a real inspiration for me.
  2. Your topics always give me something I can use right away, change the way I look at something, or give me something I know I'll be able to use in the future.
  3. I love how simple and straightforward your design is, with just a few categories and comments along the side.

tip: This is hard. I'd love it if you posted more often, but not if this degrades the quality of your post. Otherwise, just keep doin' what you're doin'.


  1. Your topics are always very interesting, often addressing a topic in a new way that just isn't done often enough.
  2. You always have a great sense of humour (even if some of your readers don't understand it).
  3. Your design is really great, just barely bordering on Web 2.0 without crossing over. :)

tip: Start posting again! Two in the past three months?! You used to be almost daily!

Okay, now you all have to pass the link love on.

Published on June 1st, 2006. © Jesse Skinner

About the author

Jesse Skinner

Hi, I'm Jesse Skinner. I'm a web development coach & consultant. I teach web development teams how to scale up their server infrastructure, improve automated testing and monitoring, reduce costs, and modernize their legacy systems. I focus on empowering teams through customized training and coaching.

Feel free to email me. I'm eager to hear about your challenges and see how I can make your life easier.