Coding with Jesse

First Post

April 5th, 2005

Hello there. We are living in a very exciting time. For the first time in human history, the entire earth is connected. We have the ability to share anything with anyone at anytime, easily and inexpensively. We face enormous potential with this technology, and we haven't begun to realise the full implications.

There are some amazing applications of the Internet that are just starting to emerge, some that have become very widespread. In the first days of the Internet, web pages seemed to be the ultimate purpose. Next came peer-to-peer file sharing. Now, we are starting to see a new generation of web applications, more powerful than today's desktop applications. What comes next is anybody's guess.

About the author

Jesse Skinner Hi, I'm Jesse Skinner. I'm a self-employed web developer with over two decades of experience. I love learning new things, finding ways to improve, and sharing what I've learned with others. I love to hear from my readers, so please get in touch!